
通过农业教授可持续发展, 技术, 烹饪艺术

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点击放大,克里斯汀·T. 阮,《正规买球app十佳排行》. 从左, 山姆·汉克斯, 22, 教堂山和玛尔塔·哈斯, 40, of Seattle cut fruit for a fruit plate during a culinary arts class Thursday, 3月2日, 2017年在匹兹堡的中央卡罗莱纳社区学院. 烹饪艺术, sustainable technologies and sustainable agriculture make up 推荐正规买球平台's Green Central programs.


克里斯汀·T. 阮,《正规买球app十佳排行》. 从左, 山姆·汉克斯, 22, 教堂山和玛尔塔·哈斯, ... (更多)

点击放大,克里斯汀·T. 阮,《正规买球app十佳排行》. 来自费耶特维尔的30岁的Shaquannah百正在给幼苗浇水 in the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 sustainable agriculture greenhouse in Pittsboro. 百, 烹饪艺术的学生, sees herself working in a farm-to-table environment after completing the program.


克里斯汀·T. 阮,《正规买球app十佳排行》. 来自费耶特维尔的30岁的Shaquannah百正在给幼苗浇水 ... (更多)

03.16.2017管理员、教师 & 工作人员大学 & 社区大学一般


匹兹堡——可持续发展有着复杂的定义. 从本质上讲,这是一个理论,我们的健康, 幸福, and survival depend directly or indirectly on the natural environment. The three pillars of sustainability are economic, environmental, and social. Those are often shortened by scientists to people, planet, and profit. 比如从农场到餐桌的食物流动, 建造能耗更低的房屋, or growing crops organically can all be forms of sustainability.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 在查塔姆有校区, 哈尼特, 和李县, 是“绿色中环?," a specially designed curriculum and continuing education program supporting sustainability through agriculture, 技术, 烹饪艺术.

“食品, 住房, 和能源, 能源已经成为基本需求的一部分, 已经成为生活的三大支柱,安德鲁·麦克马汉说, 可持续发展系主任.

"Sustainable programs are helping students look at the world with a broader perspective by making the students more prepared and informed about the world around them."


Central Carolina owns approximately five acres of land which is entirely student-farmed. 学生调查土壤, 制定作物轮作计划, 挖掘泥土, 种植庄稼, and watch them grow to harvest -- all the while using sustainable methods.

"This is a student-run farm where our students use their hands to apply what they are learning in the classroom by taking care of the soil, 种植作物, 收获它们,詹姆斯·弗莱说, 农业讲师和农场经理.

"We are giving students the knowledge and experience needed to plan out a farm with a good crop rotation, 决定是否采用有机耕作, 知道如何种植对人们有益的产品, 对环境有益, 也为自己得大利."

这个农场种植豌豆等作物, 甜菜, 洋葱, 胡萝卜, 萝卜, 萝卜, 草莓, 黑莓, 草本植物, 西兰花, 卷心菜, 羽衣甘蓝, 西红柿, 和茄子.

学生们正在研究什么作物是可收获的, 害虫的问题, 作物轮作的价值, 土壤的营养, 农场的营销策略, how to understand government policy and farming regulations, 整体方法, 举几个例子.

The food grown on the farm is then used for a dual-purpose of providing food for the culinary program and for 社区 Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes for faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.

每周20美元, CSA members are given certified and organically grown produce from the college's farm. The profits from the sales are returned to the farm as the cycle of growing and giving continues.

“我们正在整合我们的项目. The food we give the culinary program allows for them to create seasonal menus of various items to prepare and 服务 in our cafes. 准备过程中的食物残羹剩饭会回馈给我们, 然后我们把它们变成堆肥, 蠕虫以堆肥为食, 我们继续这个增长周期,Fry补充道.


使用学校农场直接提供的食物, students in the culinary program are preparing dishes to feed their neighbors.

The culinary arts program offers continuing education and curriculum classes which cover teaching culinary terms and skill sets, emphasis on the 运动状态 and sustainability, 支持当地农场和社区, 营养, 健康, 和烹饪.

"We are a classic culinary program with a more modern focus. 我们教的是自然, 运动状态, 专注于可持续的方法和菜单设计,格雷格·哈姆说, chef and executive director of the college's culinary institute.

Students get hands-on experience in the kitchen as they cook, 服务, and operate the college's three cafes -- Cougar Cafe in Lee County, 哈内特县的邓恩中心, and the Natural Chef Cafe in Chatham County -- which are also open to the public.

"The cafes are completely student-operated from the purchasing of foods to menu selection to cooking and serving,”哈姆说。. “学生们正在学习餐厅技巧, 表设置, 餐饮, 活动策划与管理, 以及如何做快餐和排队厨师,”哈姆说。.

Students in the curriculum program are obtaining 120 hours of live culinary experiences while using sustainable practices.

“例如, you can have a bucket of scraps in the kitchen and in turn can use those scraps to feed the goats on the farm,”哈姆说。. "Little things can make a big difference in sustainability. From feeding the animals to prospering planning of seasonal ingredients to supporting the environment wherever you go."

Sustainable culinary skills also include understanding 营养, 动物权利和福利, 在选择食材时购买高质量的产品. Program classes include learning how to cook dishes for those with cancer and diabetes, 或者麸质和不含乳制品的需求.

"Your choices make a huge difference on the health and 健康 of you and the environment,哈姆补充道.


家用供暖和制冷的效率, 反射热量的屋顶, and the use of natural woods are a few parts that can be found in sustainable building construction and technologies.

Students within this program are given the opportunity to build and construct a small house from the ground to the roof that is later auctioned off to the highest bidder.

"Small houses are an alternate to more traditional 住房 scenarios. Students love it as it ups the learning bar as students are building a house someone will actually live in,杰夫·甘农说, 绿色建筑讲师.

这栋面积550平方英尺(约合人民币354平方米)的房子有一间卧室和浴室, 还配有小厨房, 洗衣机和烘干机角落, 衣橱, 阁楼, 还有160平方英尺的门廊. The high-tech 和能源 efficient home features natural wood from local suppliers, 聚异戊二烯操纵绝缘, 还有一个四英尺高的悬挑镀锌屋顶.

"Students are completing 90 percent of the house by doing everything from framing, 布线, 还有屋顶的管道和设计工作,甘农说。. "Students are leaving the program with a solid foundation in construction 技术."

建成后的小房子, the college hosts an auction with the proceeds going back into the program to fund the building of the next house. Students have completed four houses thus far with the last house being sold at an auction for $50,000.

人. 地球. 利润. Those are essentially the three pillars needed for sustainability, and 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 is ensuring students are adapting and supporting those pillars.