
推荐正规买球平台加入庆祝达拉斯·赫林,N.C. 社区学院

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按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's President's Council gathered for the unveiling of a portrait of Dr. W. 达拉斯·赫林在学院的李县校区. North Carolina 社区 大学 System and the 58 社区学院 across the state recognized March 6 as "达拉斯鲱鱼 Day." The portrait, 可的礼物, commemorates the  system's 50th anniversary and Herring's vision and tireless work in promoting 社区学院 as institutions of comprehensive education. 图为(从左起). Phillip Price, vice president for Administrative 服务; Dr. Pam塞内加尔, vice president for Economic and 社区 Development; Celia Hurley,  vice president for Instructional Advancement; Stacey Carter-Coley, 收., executive director of Human Resources and Ethics Liaison; Dr. Bud Marchant, president; Dr. 丽莎·查普曼, executive vice president for Instruction; Bill Tyson, Harnett County provost; William Messersmith (back), associate director of Human Resources; Nicole Brown, Human Resources instructor; and Ken Hoyle, 学生服务副总裁.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's President's Council gathered for the unveiling of a portrait ... (更多)

点击放大. W. 达拉斯鲱鱼 is known as the 'father' of the North Carolina 社区 大学 System for his tireless work in promoting the establishment of 社区学院 as institutions of comprehensive education.


Dr. W. 达拉斯鲱鱼 is known as the 'father' of the North Carolina 社区 大学 System for ... (更多)

按此放大,  理查德Modicue, 的Lillington, is 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's nominee for the 2013 达拉斯鲱鱼 Achievement Award. The award is presented annually by the North Carolina 社区 大学 System in memory of Dr. W. 达拉斯鲱鱼, for his tireless work in promoting the establishment of 社区学院 on the philosophy of starting with people where they are educationally and taking them as far as they can go.


理查德Modicue, 的Lillington, is 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's nominee for the 2013 Dallas ... (更多)

03.06.2013大学 & 社区大学一般

桑福德-中央卡罗莱纳社区学院授予. W. 达拉斯鲱鱼, the educator known as the philosophical father of the North Carolina 社区 大学 System, 他的肖像在学院的李县校园揭幕.

The System office and the 58 社区学院 across the state recognized March 6 as "达拉斯鲱鱼 Day," honoring his influence in making the state's 社区学院 what they are: institutions providing comprehensive education.

Herring served as chair of the State Board of Education from 1955 to 1977. 1963年,大会设立了国家协调委员会. Herring was instrumental in the creation of the community college system on the philosophy that education should be available to all and that 社区学院 should "....把人们从他们所在的地方带走,带他们走得越远越好."

Dr. 马文R. Joyner, president of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 from 1983 to 2004, remembers Herring well.

"He was my graduation speaker when I graduated from Wilson Technical 社区 大学 in 1962,乔伊纳说. “从那时起,直到2007年他去世,我都很了解他."

乔伊纳说,社区学院是作为职业学校创建的. 许多人担心,如果他们变得全面, the focus would shift to college transfer programs instead of vocational training.

"Dallas fought for 社区学院 to be comprehensive,乔伊纳说. “在那些日子里,这是很难推销的. 这个想法需要一个真正的拥护者来争取. He had a vision of North Carolina and a real vision of the education person. 他不相信仅仅训练人们,而是教育他们. 他认为教育应该强调全人教育. We would not have a comprehensive community college system today without 达拉斯鲱鱼."

理查德Modicue, 的Lillington, is one of the hundreds of thousands of students who have benefited from Herring's vision and commitment. Modicue is 推荐正规买球平台's 2013 nominee for the 可' 达拉斯鲱鱼 Achievement Award. The Desert Storm/Desert Shield Army veteran said that five years ago he had been out of school for 30 years and was "going nowhere fast.后来,他在电视上看到了一则中国中交的广告,于是他决定行动起来.

"Dr. 赫林说得最好,”他说. "Take people from having nothing to having a college degree if they are willing to apply themselves. I think that from where you come from to where you end up plays a major part in how you see things in life. 因为博士. Herring's vision of 社区学院 and the help I received along the way from teachers and counselors, 前途无量. 我想走多远就走多远."

Modicue is one credit away from his Human 服务 degree and is already taking classes toward a Bachelor of 社会 Work at Methodist University. 他计划成为一名药物滥用顾问.

"达拉斯鲱鱼 was a visionary who understood that education could be a defining factor in a person's life,博士说。. 斯科特·罗尔斯,n.n.C. 社区学院系统校长. "His legacy has brought us to where we are today - one of the most comprehensive community college systems in the nation, 教育所有年龄段的人, training the state's workforce and providing college transfer opportunities."

N.C. 社区 大学 System office commissioned Herring's portrait as part of the System's 50th Anniversary celebration. 副本被送到了该州的每一所社区学院. Duplin Winery and the North Carolina 社区 大学s 基金会 sponsored the portraits.

为了纪念鲱鱼, the State Board of 社区 大学s has also renamed its regular meeting room as the Dr. W. 达拉斯鲱鱼州董事会会议室.

The only valid philosophy for North Carolina is the philosophy of total education; a belief in the incomparable worth of all human beings. ... We must take people where they are and carry them as far as they can go. 如果他们不识字,我们就教他们识字. 如果他们没有完成高中学业, then we will offer (it) at a time and in a place convenient to them and at a price within their reach. 如果他们的才能是技术性的或职业性的, 然后我们会给他们提供指导, 不管是什么领域, that will provide them with the knowledge and the skill they can sell in the marketplaces of our state, 从而促进其科学和工业的发展. 如果他们需要的是通识教育, then we will provide them instruction which will enable them to go on to the university or senior college and on into life. 如果他们的需求是为了文化成就, 智力增长或公民理解, then we will make available to them the wisdom of the ages and the enlightenment of our times and help them to maturity."