College News

Last chance to see 'Through Their Lens: Chatham County' photo exhibit

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01.28.2013College & CommunityCurriculum Programs

SILER CITY - Chatham Conservation Partnership's nature photography exhibit, "Through Their Lens: Chatham County," is on display through the end of April at the Siler City Center of Central Carolina Community College, 400 Progress Blvd.

The exhibit is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday.

This is the last chance for the public to view this exhibit consisting of 60 photos of landscapes, rivers, plants, and wildlife. The exhibit is collaboration among 23 local photographers of all skill levels who attended a workshop taught by nature photographer David Blevins.

Some participants explored countywide to find subject matter for their images, while others found their subjects right in their own backyard. The diversity of the participants and their subjects illustrates the diversity of Chatham's natural resources.

Co-sponsors of the exhibition include Triangle Land Conservancy and the Sierra Club Orange-Chatham Group. In-kind sponsors include David Blevins Photography, JW Photo Labs of Raleigh, and Central Carolina Community College.

Information about CCP and the exhibit is at

The instructor for this exhibition, David Blevins, will be teaching an Environmental Photojournalism course in April at 推荐正规买球平台's Pittsboro campus. Course information is available at